Για ένα τανγκό

Τα λεφτά μου όλα δίνω για ένα τανγκό
κι ένα άγγιγμά σου κάτω από το τραπέζι
αδιάφορα τριγύρω μου να κοιτώ –
στο γυμνό λαιμό μου το χέρι σου να παίζει
Τα λεφτά μου όλα δίνω για μια βραδιά
για ρομαντικές φιγούρες πάνω στην πίστα
να παραμερίζουν όλοι από τη φωτιά
που θα στέλνει το κορμί μας
στο πρίμα βίστα
Τα λεφτά μου όλα δίνω για μια ζημιά
που θα κάνει άνω κάτω την λογική σου
θέλει τρέλα η ζωή μας και νοστιμιά
άμα θες να βρεις τις πύλες του παραδείσου
Μια γυναίκα ένας άντρας κι ένας θεός
ένας έρωτας θεός να μας σημαδεύει
Να σου δίνω τα φιλιά στων κεριών το φως
και να παίρνω αυτά που ο νους μας απαγορεύει
I [would] give all my money for a tango,
and a touch of yours under the table,
casually looking around me
[with] your hand frisking on my bare neck
I [would] give all my money for one night
for romantic dance figures on the parquet,
everyone standing aside because of the fire
that will be sending our body
to the first stares we exchanged
I [would] give all my money for a mischief
that will turn your logic upside down
our life needs frenzy and flavour
if you want to find the gates of paradise
A woman, a man, and a god –
a godly love aiming [at] us, […with]
me, giving you kisses by the candlelight,
and taking what our mind forbids
The verb is derived from παρά ‘by’ + μέρος ‘side, place, part’, from theadverb παράμερα – originally from the adjective παράμερος -η -ο. The adverb’s structure is essentially the same as that of English prepositions aside and beside.
από τη φωτιά
The preposition από ‘from’ is often used to mean ‘because of’, or ‘via’ when talking about a route that will be followed.
Πέθανα απ’ το κρύο – I froze to death [lit: I died from the cold]
Θα πάω απ’ τον εθνικό. – I’ll go through the highway.
πρίμα βίστα
This is a very rare phrase coming from Italian prima vista ‘first sight’, and it does not normally exist in a Greek speaker’s vocabulary.
για μια ζημιά
Literally meaning ‘damage’, ζημιά sometimes refers to the act of electrifying a potential mate through mischievous behaviour.
άνω κάτω
Although the Greek word for ‘up’ or ‘on’ is commonly known as πάνω, it is actually the shortened version of επάνω, from επί ‘on’ + άνω ‘up’ – a structure very similar to English upon. The phrase άνω κάτω means that what was supposed to be up, is now down, and it is used to describe a cluttered space or a chaotic situation.
A word that combines ‘if’ and ‘when’ depending on the context. In the song, it is only featured with the meaning of ‘if’, but in daily life it is often used as ‘when’, or as a combination of the two.
Άμα φτάσεις, πάρε με τηλέφωνο. – Call me when you get there.
Άμα τελειώσει, πες του να ‘ρθει. – When he finishes, tell him to come over.